Rusfurence 2016 Information

Rusfurence 2016

Rusfurence 2016

February 3-7, 2016

Zvenigorod, Russia

Furry Convention

This time we get to America 30-40-ies. A legendary city where the neon lights of bright signs are inviting for a cup of "tea", a cabaret or blackjack in underground casino, and the city's name is derived from "wild garlic". Where at night, and sometimes during the day you can hear shots of revolvers and gunfire of "Mr. Thompson", confirming the power of the mafia in the city.

In 20-ies this city was considered the pearl of the West coast until the young and daring gangster seized all the power in the city and created the Empire. Mafia was fabulously enriched by prohibition supported by the government. At that moment mafia gained a real power. The city became a cradle of crime, the kingdom of forbidden pleasures and criminal acts. All power in the city belongs to the criminal Syndicate - The Family. The government and politicians are totally corrupted. Local police cannot do anything in this situation.

Maintaining the status and capturing the city took a lot of energy. After a while the head of the Syndicate is going to retire and thinking about a successor who could continue the Family business. Rumors that Don decided to retire have caused a disrepancy between those who are related to him by the bond of blood and who actually runs the business. And now each part tries to find favour in the eyes of Don.

This situation attracted the attention of some circles of society. They have their own point of view�

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