Rusfurence 2015 Information

Rusfurence 2015

Rusfurence 2015

February 4-8, 2015

Zvenigorod, Russia

Furry Convention

Comrades! Behold the power of Rusfurence!

The great power, the great culture, tails and furs - other differences aren't important. For the sake of our future, for the sake of the "furry" idea all species unite under the banner of "Rusfurence".

Colors, tail length, and even species are not significant, because actually we are alike, we all are furry and we are proud of being furry. Our discos, our arts and our fursuits - these all are the result of the continuous common work of all of us, and it's the reason for everyone to be proud of themselves.

The culture-and-health facility "Furry-15", where representatives of the furry empire are going to take a break from daily cares and straighten out their mind, which is shattered by contacts with humans, is ready to open its doors to all comrades once again.

All events about the cultural development of all furry species and studies in search of the artistic heritage of furry representatives will be organized in this place.

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