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News for Bakuretsu Con 2004
February 16, 2004

Bakuretsu Con 2004 announces guests

South Burlington, Vermont - Bakuretsu Con would like to announce that Tiffany Grant, Svetlana Chmakova, and Patrick Delahanty are attending Bakuretsu Con 2004. The annual convention will be held April 23-25, 2004.

Tiffany Grant is one of A.D. Vision's leading voice actresses. She has voiced more characters than you can count, including the ever-popular Asuka Langley of Neon Genesis Evangelion. She will host several panels over the weekend to include autograph signings.

Svetlana Chmakova has worked professionally as an animator and artist, including contributing illustrations to the Christopher Hart How To Draw books. Check inside the publishing page of How To Draw Japanese Comics to see a guide to her contributions in that book. She will have artwork for sale as well as offer panels on being an animator.

Patrick Delahanty is also returning this year. Well known for the web site Anime-Cons.com and The Chibi Project, as well as his work on Anime Boston. Patrick is our ever popular host of "Anime Jeopardy" and new this year, "Whose Line is it Anime?".

About Bakuretsu Con: Bakuretsu Con is Vermont's only Anime convention. We are located in So. Burlington right off of Interstate 89 at the Best Western Windjammer Conference Center. Bakuretsu Con offers many activities for it's attendees such as: Cosplay, Anime LARP, Art Contests, AMV Contest, Dealers Room, Guest Artists, Panels & Workshops, RPGs, CCGs, Expanded Video Gaming Room, Anime Screenings, and much more. A sample of this years panels and events include: Japanese 101, Advanced Japanese, Chibi Project Panel, Yukari's Corner (a look into Japanese culture), Charity Auction, Fan fiction Tips and Tricks, Webcomic-holics Anonymous, How to Make AMV's for Beginners, and many, many more.

For more information and on-line registration please visit us at: www.bakuretsucon.org.

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