FurryCons.com News

News for Nekocon 2003
November 2, 2003

Nekocon Announces Attendance Cap

From Nekocon

1,250 people have pre-registered for full weekend passes to Nekocon 6. Due to this incredible amount and city fire-safety codes we at Nekocon will be enforcing an attendance cap at the convention of 1,600 full weekend passes, 350 AT-DOOR full weekend passes remain. There are no Single Day Passes this year but we are offering 500 Single Day DEALERS ROOM ONLY passes for $10 (75 Friday, 275 Saturday, 150 Sunday). Bring raingear because the lineup will be outside for Dealers Room Only passes. We apologize for any inconvenience to anybody's plans to attend our event. We are already planning to move to a larger facility for year Seven which will give everyone the elbowroom they need.
