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News for Anime Expo 2005
May 23, 2005

Anime Expo announces rules for its free manga library

Anaheim, California (May 23, 2005) - Housing up to 2,000 Manga books (donated by VIZ Comics, Tokyo Pop, E-Manga, etc. and inspired by Eugene Cheng at AnimeNext, the Anime Expo® Manga Library will be available to attendees 24 hours a day every day during Anime Expo® 2005. More information is available at http://www.anime-expo.org.

Attendees will be able to read, for free, in-between screenings, speaking engagements, events and other activities found at the world's largest anime and manga convention. The library consists of multiple manga titles from multiple publishers including both English and Japanese text, all of which are free to read while in the library. Attendees who wish to use the library should be aware of the following:

  • All bags, back packs etc. must be checked into the library desk before entering, you will receive a ticket for the items you check in and can redeem the ticket to claim your items upon exiting the library.
  • In order to check out books while in the library you must have an Anime Expo® badge. The badge will act as your pass in order to check out books.
  • Once inside the library, a staff member will collect your badge at which point you may start using the library.
  • While using the library you are restricted to only having two books at a time, when you finish those two books you can turn them into the Library staff and check out another two.
  • Officially there is in no time limit to how long you can stay in the library, however should a large group of attendees desire access, then a 1.5 hour limit will be enforced so that others may use the library. Should a young child be left in the library while the time allowance goes into effect, they will be permitted to stay in the library, but please don't forget your child.
  • Please do not loiter, try to make use of the library while you're inside, should you be found loitering a staff member may ask you either to decide on a book or to leave the library.
  • Upon exiting the library, your badge will be returned and you can turn in your claim ticket to retrieve your bags/ badges from a staff member at the exit.
  • Food and drinks are not permitted inside the library.
  • This is a free service provided by the Anime Expo® please do not attempt to steal the manga from the library. If you are caught stealing or attempting to steal, you will be treated as a shoplifter and held to the same penalties including confiscation of your badge and being banned from Anime Expo®®

Please also be aware that the library will not have manga that has yet to be released and may not have a complete set of current titles. If you are looking for a title or may be interested in reading new titles, please make use of the staff at the library so that we may assist you in finding what you are looking for.

Located in Anaheim, California - Anime Expo®, the world's largest anime/manga convention, serves to foster trade, commerce and the interests of the general public and animation/comics industry. This event serves as a key meeting place for the general public to express their interest and explore various aspects of anime/ manga, as well as for members of the industry to conduct business. AX® 2005 will be held July 1 -­ 4, 2005 at the Anaheim Convention Center. More information can be found at its website (www.anime-expo.org).

The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Animation (SPJA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to popularize and educate the American public about anime and manga, as well as provide a forum to facilitate communication between professionals and fans. This organization is more popularly known by its entertainment property Anime Expo®.


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