Morphicon 2015 Information

Morphicon 2015

Morphicon 2015

April 30 - May 3, 2015

Holiday Inn Columbus N - I-270 Worthington
Columbus, OH

Furry Convention

Morphicon is an annual furry convention located in Columbus, Ohio at a hotel that contains rooms blocked off with a special Morphicon room rate, and function space for us to host panels and other events. Morphicon is hosted at the beginning of May, but the scheduling can vary two to three weeks depending on availability of hotel space and other events that might conflict. Morphicon requires you to register to attend which does cost money, but that money goes towards renting out the hotel space, stocking hospitality, and other key expenses. Morphicon sports a relaxed atmosphere, tons of free food out of hospitality, and an all volunteer staff. Our staffers strive to be friendly, accommodating, and available if there's anything you need. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

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