IndyFurCon 2014 Information

IndyFurCon 2014

IndyFurCon 2014

August 29-31, 2014

Sheraton Indianapolis Hotel at Keystone Crossing
Indianapolis, IN

Furry Convention

IndyFurCon is Indiana's first convention for fans of anthropomorphic creatures and art. iFC is attended in the state capital, Indianapolis. Held in the late summer, it gives midwestern furries an event filled weekend to get together with friends and have fun in the middle of the 5 month period that separates Anthrocon and Midwest FurFest. In 2014 the convention is being held from Aug 29 through Aug 31st at the Sheraton Keystone Crossings in Indianapolis Indiana.


527 total people

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Update Information for IndyFurCon 2014

Last updated: 2024-02-26 21:38:58