Anime-Zap! 2011 Information

Anime-Zap! 2011

January 15-16, 2011

Holiday Inn City Centre
Peoria, IL

Anime Convention
Organized by is in no way associated with

Anime-ZAP! is an anime convention that started as an instant anime convention in Peoria, IL after Pokettokon was cancelled. Since we don't expect Pokettokon to continue, we hope to continue Anime-ZAP! as a mini anime convention to bring fun to anime fans in the central Illinois area.


550 total people
960 turnstile attendance count

Registration Information

Advance Rates
$15 through January 1, 2011
$7 through January 10, 2011
At-Door Rates
Both Days: $20

Photos and Reports

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Anime-Zap! 2011 News

May 1, 2010 Anime-ZAP! to return in 2011


Update Information for Anime-Zap! 2011